Can We Please PRESS PAUSE? Stopping the battle between the LBGT and CHRISTIAN communities.

Can We Please PRESS PAUSE? Stopping the battle between the LBGT and CHRISTIAN communities.

Warning, there are mature topics on this page that are not meant for younger audiences and that may be alarming to others!  Reader discretion advised! There is an ideological war between Christians and the LBGTQ community that has been going on for years! On one side there are Christians who mistakenly see gays as the abominable people who commit the *exclusive* sin that got Sodom and Gomorrah hit with a Final Fantasy VII Super Nova attack.  On the other side there are LBGT groups who mistakenly consider the Bible to be a document of “hate speech“ and Christians to be closed-minded, cattle-herded hypocrites that are programmed to be intolerant of anything different. But the drama doesn‘t stop there!  This war even emerges in fast food!  We have members of the gay community boycotting Chic-Fil-A and Christians boycotting Chipotlé for their involvement with their respective communities. We have Christians who do not want to sell cupcakes to buyers who are gay. We have LBGT couples seeking to persecute and destroy Christian business owners for declining to serve at an event they feel is a sinful environment (e.g. gay weddings). It is starting to get ridiculous on all sides!  When it comes to this topic, to use today’s vernacular… ERR‘BODY NEED TO GET WOKE!    To Christians The Bible says if we break one part of the Law we are guilty of all of it (James 2:10).  So, technically, that means a church board member who only ever told one little lie (bearing false witness) is just as guilty as the lesbian atheist with a gay-pub membership.  That means we should...